200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh (Kundalini Yoga TTC)
Parmath Ganga Arti
Weekend Excursions
Private Room
Sattvic meals
Beatles Ashram Visit
Overview - 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh (Kundalini Yoga TTC)
The ‘Yoga of Awareness’, Kundalini Yoga teacher training course focuses on increasing the awareness of the self, in order to unlock your full potential and awaken your consciousness. This yoga aims course at unifying the universal consciousness to your individual consciousness.
This Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course covers Ashtanga yoga in a more precise and refined manner. Mantra chanting forms an integral part along with regulating the flow of breath and meditation techniques.
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This Yoga teacher training course will help you to understand and experience the concepts and practices of the yogic lifestyles. This course will give you the proper understanding of the yoga postures for kundalini awakening, the 7 chakras and more. The course will inspire you to teach to the spiritual seekers.
During the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh (Kundalini Yoga TTC) you will be staying at the Atri Yoga Center in a private room which will have an attached bathroom. The facility of hot water is also available during the winter season.
Kundalini Philosophy
- The Descent of Kundalini
- What is Kundalini?
- Science of Kundalini
- The Astral body & mystery of the mind
- Methods of Awakening
- Diet for Kundalini
- Kundalini and Madness
- Four Forms of Awakening
- Evolution of kundalini
- The Experiences of Awakening
- Benefits of practices
The Chakras
- Introduction to the Chakras
- Evolution through the Chakras
- Mooladhara Chakra
- Swadhisthana Chakra
- Manipura Chakra
- Anahata Chakra
- Vishuddhi Chakra
- Ajna Chakras
- Sahasrara and Samadhi
- Root lock – Mula bandha
- Abdominal lock – Uddiyana bandha
- Chin lock – Jalandhara bandha
- Great lock – Mahabandh
Kundalini Yoga Postures & Practices
- Rules and Preparation
- Posture for each chakras
- Chakra Sadhana Course
- Practice for Ajna Ckakra
- Practice for Mooladhara Chakra
- Practice for Swadhisthana Chakra
- Practice for Anahata Chakra
- Practice for Vishuddhi Chakra
- Practice for Ajna Chakra
- Practice for Integrated Chakra Awareness
- Your Sadhana Program
- Kundalini Kriyas for Kriya Yoga
Pranayamas for Kundalini Yoga
- Breathing awareness
- Diaphragmatic breathing
- Complete Yogic breath
- Shining the skull breathing – Kapalabhati
- Victorious breathing – Ujjayi
- Alternative nostril breathing – Nadi shodhanama
- Bellows breathing – Bhastrika Pranayama
Kriya for Kundalini Yoga:
- Shat Kriyas
- Neti – Nasal Cleansing
- Nauli – Abdominal Churning
- Dhauti – Upper Digestive Tract Cleansing
- Basti – Colon Cleansing
- Kapalabhati – Cleansing of Lungs and Bronchial Tubes
- Taadan kriya – making dynamic form
Yoga Postures for Kundalini
- Pavanmustasana
- Shakti bandh asana
- Siddhasana or shiddha yoni asana
- Surya namaskar
- Vipareet karani asana
- Dhanurasana asana
- Salabhasana asana
- Bhujanga asana
- Ustrasana – Camel pose
- Matsyasana
- Paschimottasana
- Matsyendrasana
- Padmasana
- Bhadrasana
- Butter fly asana
- Vajrasana
- Trikonasana
Kundalini Anatomy
- Energy chanels/Nadies
- Chakras/Energy centers
- Five Sheats /panchkoshas.
- Respiratory System/shwasan
- Nerves system/Nadis
You will be provided with three pure vegetarian meals per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner), and tea.
The following meals are included:
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Drinks
The following dietary requirement(s) are served and/or catered for:
- Vegetarian
What’s Included
The following are included in the course fees:
- A private room with attached bathroom and hot water
- Diet food 3 times daily
- Tea 1 times daily
- Cleansing process materials
- Coursebooks
- One day outing to a nearby Rishikesh
- One Rudrakhya mala
- Yoga Alliance Certificate
What’s Not included
- Airfare
- Personal Expenses
Cancellation Policy
The reservation requires a payment of 20% of the total price.
- If the booking is cancelled one month (31 Days) prior to the start of the retreat/course you will get 90% refund of the booking amount.
- If the booking is cancelled 30 to 15 Days prior to the start of retreat/course, you will get 50% refund of the booking amount.
- No refund will be given if the retreat/course booking is cancelled less than 15 days prior to the start of the course. Although we can adjust the 50% of your paid amount to any other retreat/course you book with us in future.
The remaining amount shall be paid on arrival to the course/retreat location.
How to Get There
By Airplane
Please book your flight to arrive at Indra Gandhi International Airport (IGI), from there you can take a flight to Jolly Grant Airport (DED) in Dehradun. From there you can find many taxi's to Rishikesh.
By Bus
From Indra Gandhi International Airport (DED), you will have to take a taxi to ISBT (Inter State Bus Terminal). From there you can find many governments and private buses to Rishikesh.
By Train
The nearest railway station is Haridwar railway station. From there you can find many cabs and buses to Rishikesh.
Teachers & Staff