Big Toe Bow also called Padangusthasana and Dhanurasana. This is a really challenging posture and if you wanna try it then you need a solid handstand, so if you are unfamiliar with handstand be sure to work on that and get nice and stable in your handstand. Second thing you need is a pretty good back bend so if you don't have a good backbend then work on the tools and postures like Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose) and get that stability and strength in your spine before you start to try. The third thing you need is a relaxed attitude because if you squeeze too hard or tense too hard in this posture then your body just won't open so if you have these three tools and then you're ready to start.
How to perform Big Toe Bow?
About 2 minutes
Big toe bow pose is an advanced yoga pose of the hatha yoga series. There are a number of benefits that can be gained by practising this yoga asana, it is a back-bending pose and hence it can help with fatigue and mild depression and anxiety. It also stretches shoulders, spine and chest. Here we have described how you can perform in these 3 easy steps.
Step 1 : Lie down and keep your hands down to the mat

Alright here we go nice and easy. Take your hands down to the mat, keeping shoulders forward. Inhale and then easily jump and slowly firming the pelvic floor find your balance. Get all the way up in the handstand and hold it for a few breaths.
Step 2 : Reach forward with the legs and press through the shoulders|

Get stable and push up from the shoulders and exhale as you start to hollow your back. Reach forward with the legs and press through the shoulders, keep the legs straight and then once you reach your maximum gently bend your knees and lift your chest forward, tilting the head back and touching the toes toward the crown of the head. Hold this position for a few breaths.
Step 3 : Reach forward with the legs and press through the shoulders

Get stable and push up from the shoulders and exhale as you start to hollow your back. Reach forward with the legs and press through the shoulders, keep the legs straight and then once you reach your maximum gently bend your knees and lift your chest forward, tilting the head back and touching the toes toward the crown of the head. Hold this position for a few breaths.