15 Days Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh (100 Hour Astanga & Hatha Yoga)
Overview - 15 Days Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh (100 Hour Astanga & Hatha Yoga)
15 Days Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh (100 Hour Astanga & Hatha Yoga) is designed in a proper manner for those having shortage of time but still interested to continue with their yoga courses. Most of the people seen nowadays feel they cannot do Yoga because they have no flexible bodies or suffer from some physical problem. And so feel demotivated for doing Yoga. But we have planned our this course in a systematical manner that anyone from beginner to no experience also can do this courses.
This course is based on therapy concepts which is easy for each and everyone to carry out irrespective of any physical problem. We have made different series of Asanas(around 6) , Pranayama(around 4) and philosophy too(Philosophy we teach from very basic level). Our series are designed very systematically from basic level to advanced level. We start teaching from basic series and week by week, slowly and gradually take to advanced series. In this method, even those people who have less flexibility or any physical problem, also can do easily without facing much exertion physically or mentally. And those who say we cannot do Yoga because of less flexibility they come to the point where they can even do advanced level too.This builds confidence in them upon what they have studied. As rather than touching the modern studies of Yoga, we start from very traditional concepts. This has been our experience since many years. This process that we teach is followed very rare people.
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Yoga Center guides its students to change their way of thinking and lifestyle with the help of Yoga. Also, to understand the ART OF LIVING in this stressful society. And can adopt the yoga practices in their daily life to explore the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of Yoga. And can leave a stress free life.
Our Course Curriculum includes:
1. Vedic Mantras Chanting
2. Introductory Theoretical Sessions of:
- Asanas explaining What are Asanas, its Types, Categories, Benefits and How to practice in Daily Life. Also, explains the role of Asanas in Yoga.
- Pranayama explaining What is Pranayama, Types and Features of Pranayama, Benefits of Pranayma, role of Pranyama in Yoga, how to practice in daily life.
- Theoretical session of What is Meditation and how to meditate.
- What is happiness, sadness?
- What is Thinking? How it affects our life?
- What must be a lifestyle of a person?
During this yoga training, you will be served with three daily delicious and healthy vegetarian meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Filtered water, herbal tea, and snacks are also available. The menu is creative and balanced with proteins so you feel full and satisfied.
The following meals are included:
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Snacks
- Drinks(Filtered Water, Herbal Tea)
The Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh is located at Laxman Jhula. The place is an ancient spiritual place located on the banks of Ganga River. One can enjoy a beautiful view of Ganga Ji from the Yoga Hall as well as roof of building.
In our ashram, we provide pure sattvic food. Rajastic and Tamastic food and activities are completely banned in the ashram. The sattvic atmosphere of ashram gives the person a good opportunity to do his yogic sadhana.
A. Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga Asanas
Coverage: Alignment, Adjustment, Anatomy and Drishti
- Sun Salutation : Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Hatha Style
- Meditative Asanas: Sukhasana, Ardhpadmasana, Padmasana, Siddhasana, Swastikasana and Vajrasana
- Relaxative Asanas: Relaxed Taadasana, Dandasana, Makrasana and Savasana
Practice of Asanas for Beginners
- Moon Salutation
- Sun Salutation (16 rounds)
- Tadasana
- Padhastasana
- Ardhchakrasana
- Parsv Chakrasana
- Trikonasana
- Veerbhadrasana - 1
- Veerbhadrasnaa - 2
- Veerbhadrasnaa - 3
- Parsvottanasana
- Parsvkonasana
- Vrksasana
- Chakrasana
- Padhastasana A, B C & D
- Parshvchakrasana A & B
- Parivritta Trikonasana
- Parivritta Parsvkonasana
- Side - Sit Ups
- Samakonasana
- Hanumanasana
- Ardh Chandrasana
- Prasarita Padottanasana
- Adhomukhsvanasana
- Natrajasana
- Ek Padh Prasarnasana
- Urdhav Prasarita Ekpadasana
- Parivritta Parsvkonasana
- Yog Mudra
- Baddha Konasana
- Janushirshasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Purvottanasana
- Suptvajrasana
- Vakrasana
- Yog Mudra A, B
- Kurmasana
- Parivritta Janusirshasana
- Parivritta Paschimottanasana
- Upavistha Konasana
- Urdhav MukhPaschimottanasana
- Prayankasana
- Ustrasana
- Ardh Matsyendrasana
- Bakasana
- Bakasana
- EkPadm Bakaasana
- Padm Bakaasana
- Baddha Padmasana
- Simhasana
- Marjarasana
- Moolbandhasana
- Ek Pada Sirsasana
- Bhujangasana
- Salabhasana
- Bhujangasana A, B, C, D & E
- Salabhasana A & B
- Navasana
- Dhanurasana
- Pawanmuktasana
- Suptpadangusthasana
- Sarvangasana
- Matsyasana
- Lumbar Stretch A & B
- Ardh Halasana
- Padma Sarvangasana
- Viparitkarni
- Setubandhasana
- Halaasana
- Ardh Padm Halaasana
- Parsv Halaasana
- Padm Matsyasana
- Naukaasana
This is the list of some of the asanas that will be taught along with their variations depending upon the individual's body and his flexibility
B. Pranayama and Different types of Meditation (Primary Level)
Differentiation between Chest and Abdominal Breathing
1. Bhastrika
2. Nadi Shodhan
3. Surya Bhedan
4. Chandra Bhedan
5. Anulom Viloma
6. Ujjai
7. Sitkari
8. Sitali
9. Bhramri
10. Breathing Awareness (Chest, Ribs and Abdominal Breathing)
11. Cyclic Meditation
12. Tips for Developing Conentration
13. Practice of each Pranayama with Jalandhar, Uddiyana and MoolBandha
14. Mudras (Chin & Gyan Mudra)
15. SubConscious Wash Technique
C. Kriyas – Cleansing Process
1. Kapalbhati
2. Jal Neti
3. Rubber Neti
4. Trataka
D. Other Practices
1. Laughing Yoga
2. Outdoor Yoga at bank of Ganges (depending on weather)
3. Video Session explaining Secret of Meditation
F. Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic Practice
1. Formation of Body
2. Respiratory System
3. Structure of Spinal Cord
4. Muscles & Body Parts Involved while doing Asanas
5. Digestive System
6. Nadis
7. Chakras
G. Traditional Yoga Philosophy
1. Vedic Mantras Chanting, Atmahastkam Chanting
2. What is Yoga?
3. History of Yoga
4. Types of Yoga(Bhavana Yog, Pranasamyamana Yog)
5. Principles and Necessity of Yoga
6. Yogic Diet(Sattvic, rajastic and Tamastic)
7. Sattvic, Rajastic and Tamastic Yoga
8. Importance of Thinking in our life
9. Concept of Karmas
10. Detailed Description to 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga
11. Study of Yamas(Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahamcharya and Aparigraha)
12. Study of Niyamas(Shaucha, Santosha, Tapas, Swadhyay, Ishwarapranidhanani)
13. Asanas - Definition, Types, Category
14. Detailed Study and Adjustment Practice of Asanas
15. What is Pranayama, its features and its preparation
16. Different types of Pranyama - its Study and Practice
17. What is Bandhas & Why we apply Bandhas?
18. What are Mudras & Why we apply Mudras?
19. Concept of Nadis and Chakras
20. Benefits & Limitations of Pranayama
21. Concept of Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana & Samadhi
H. Evaluation
Last part of training criteria is Evaluation which will be evaluated based on the behaviour of a student.
Each student’s social behavior is of great importance. Student’s will be assessed on their behavior and these behavioral observations will be considered in their Yoga Teacher Training certificate. Along with this their dedication in Theoretical and practical sessions will also be taken in account.
Daily Schedule
05:15 a.m - 06:00 a.m Wake Up, Freshen up and Relax
06:00 a.m - 06:30 a.m Cleansing Action
06:30 a.m - 06:45 a.m Herbal Tea
07:00 a.m - 08:00 a.m Ashtanga Yoga & Vinyasa Style Asanas Session
08:00 a.m - 09:00 a.m Pranyama, Meditation & Mantras Chanting Session
09:00 a.m - 10:00 a.m Freshen up and Breakfast
10:00 a.m - 10:30 a.m Leisure Time
10:30 a.m - 11:30 a.m Traditonal Yoga Philosophy Session
11:30 a.m - 12:15 p.m Anatomy and Physiology Session
12:30 p.m - 01:15 p.m Lunch Time
01:15 p.m - 02:45 p.m Rset Time
02:45 p.m - 03:00 p.m Freshen up and ready for next session
03:00 p.m - 04:00 p.m Asanas Alignment and Adjustment Session
04:15 p.m - 06:15 p.m Hatha Yoga Style Asanas Session
06:15 p.m - 07:00 p.m Self-Practice / Q & A Session
07:00 p.m - 07:15 p.m Freshen Up
07:15 p.m - 08:00 p.m Dinner Time
08:00 p.m - 09:00 p.m Personal Time
09:00 p.m - 10:30 p.m Self-Study
10:30 p.m - 05:15 a.m Sleeping Time
On 1st day of the course, one video session of approx. 1hour is held after evening practical class.
Acc. to the requirement of students/ trainees, Question Answer Session is kept on demand
Course Schedule is subject to change depending on the situation. Some classes may vary but hours per day and class content class will remain same.
DAYS OF COURSE: 15, INSTRUCTION DAYS : 13, 7.5hrs class per day. 13 * 7.5 = 97.5hrs. No class Schedules for Sundays. You may opt it for outings or relaxation as per your desire.
What’s Included
- 7 nights shared non - a.c Accomodation, Non-A.C Double Sharing room with attached toilet and hot water.
- 3 Times Meal(Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner).
- Snacks and Drinks(Includes Filtered Water, Herbal Tea).
- Yoga Textbook, 1 notebook, 1 pen.
- Yoga Mat.
- Cleansing Action Kit.
What’s Not Included
- Airfare
- Airport transfers
- Additional meals and activities
- Personal expenses
How to Get There
Arrival by Airplane:
Please book your flight to arrive at Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL). Transfer from and to this airport is available upon request. It costs 4000 INR by personal cab from Delhi airport to our ashram in Rishikesh. Yoga Center can pick you up if you send your flight details in advance. Or, another option From Delhi airport you can take a domestic flight to Dehradun Airport (DED). Another option is to book your flight directly to arrive at Dehradun Airport (DED). From Dheradun airport to our ashram in Rishikesh, it will cost 800 INR.
Arrival by Bus:
Buses to Haridwar-Rishikesh leave New Delhi from the Kashmiri Gate national bus stand approximately every hour. The bus ride takes about 6-8 hours and costs around 450-650 INR for air conditioned buses and 250-350 INR for buses without air conditioning. From Haridwar bus stand to our ashram in Rishikesh, it costs 1200INR by personal cab.
Arrival by Train:
The best option is to reach Haridwar Junction railway station, is by road on a driven taxi or the so called tuktuks. From Delhi, the train ride takes approximately 5-7 hours, depending on the train. Haridwar is serviced by many trains from and to Delhi. From Haridwar railway station to our ashram in Rishikesh, it costs 1200INR by personal cab.
Arrival by Taxi:
Taxis are always available anywhere in India. The drive from Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) to Haridwar-Rishikesh will take around six hours depending on the traffic conditions.
Cancellation Policy
- The reservation requires a payment of 18% of the total price.
- The booking amount is non-refundable in case of the cancelled booking
- Rest of the payment should be paid on arrival
Teachers & Staff